Heringer Dentistry

Avoid These Causes of Dental Implant Failure

Jul 7, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Dr. Everett Heringer
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care. If you are preparing to undergo dental implant placement at our Bismarck, ND, dental office, Dr. Everett Heringer will discuss the most common risk factors for dental implant failure. By avoiding certain behaviors while maintaining good oral hygiene habits, your dental implants can heal within the predicted treatment timeline.

In the days, weeks, and months following dental implant placement, it is critical to understand which habits, medications, or conditions can lead to infection or loss of jawbone density.

Tobacco Use

Numerous studies and medical groups have found that tobacco use is a significant risk factor for dental implant failure. A review published in the Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry noted that tobacco use negatively affects the outcome of “almost all” dental surgeries.

According to the article, smoking slows the rate of wound healing. In addition, tobacco users often have lower jawbone density, which can negatively impact the implant’s ability to fuse with the surrounding bone tissue.

If you are a smoker, we recommend that you quit using tobacco products for a period of time before, during, and after your dental implant surgery.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Developing and maintaining good oral hygiene habits can prevent infection, which is another risk factor for dental implant failure. One condition that good oral hygiene can prevent is peri-implantitis, an infection in the gum and bone tissues surrounding the implant. This can compromise the viability of your implant.

In the days and weeks after surgery, it is important to brush your teeth and gums twice a day. Of course, patients should exercise caution when brushing near the surgery site. Dr. Heringer will supply our Bismarck area patients with detailed oral hygiene guidelines to follow immediately following surgery.

In the months and years after dental implant placement, it continues to be important to brush twice a day, floss daily, and to use a therapeutic mouthwash to prevent bacteria from damaging your smile. Regular cleanings and dental checkups are also key to preventing infection.

Uncontrolled Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions like uncontrolled diabetes can interfere with the natural healing process (osseointegration). Any medical condition that impacts bone density may need to be addressed before you can become a candidate for dental implants.

Signs of Implant Failure

Dental implant failure is rare; more than 95 percent of procedures are successful. Still, it is important to understand the symptoms of implant failure. You should contact our office at any point during your recovery if you experience:

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

After your posts have fused with the surrounding jawbone tissue, Dr. Heringer can place an abutment and your custom restoration. Many of our patients report that dental implants feel and function like their natural teeth.

Schedule your dental implant consultation with Heringer Dentistry today. You can reach our office online or call us in Bismarck at (701) 255-4850.