Heringer Dentistry

The Dangers of Teeth Grinding

Feb 6, 2015 @ 09:53 AM — by Dr. Everett Heringer
Tagged with: Teeth Grinding Dental Crowns Restorative Dentistry

Bruxism is the dental term for a common condition known as teeth grinding. Many people suffer from the condition, but quite a few are unaware of it, especially it is a mild case. But even a mild case of teeth grinding can cause damage to your teeth and jaw. Everett Heringer, DDS and his staff have provided many Bismarck patients with restorative dentistry procedures to repair the damage caused by chronic teeth grinding. Understanding this condition and the dangers it poses can be an important step in maintaining your dental health.

What Causes Teeth Grinding?

The cause of chronic teeth grinding is not always clear. It is most often attributed to anxiety and stress, whether the origination is from a generalized anxiety disorder or a temporary and localized issue that has arisen in a patient’s work or personal life.

But with that said, anxiety is not the only known cause of teeth grinding. The condition is also commonly associated with crooked teeth or a bite misalignment. Such conditions can lead to restlessness of the jaw, especially in your sleep as your body attempts to relax into a comfortable and still position.

What Are the Dangers of Teeth Grinding?

It can be hard to believe that a condition you weren’t even aware of can have such damaging effects. But over time, chronic teeth grinding can wreak havoc on your oral health. The dangers of teeth grinding range in terms of intensity, but can have detrimental effects in the long term.

One of the most serious concerns about chronic teeth grinding is the danger of chipped, broken, or worn down teeth. The constant friction of your top and bottom teeth grinding together can wear the flat surfaces of your teeth down significantly, leading to further bite misalignment and exposure of sensitive nerves and dentin underneath a tooth’s enamel outer shell. Enough friction and pressure can also cause stress fractures, leading to chips or full breakage of one or more teeth.

This kind of damage leads to the need for restorative dental work. But just as the wear and tear of teeth grinding can cause irreparable damage to your natural teeth, it can also cause extensive dental work damage by breaking crowns or bridges and interfering with the healing process of dental implants. If your dentist recognizes that your dental damage is the result of bruxism, the patient will require an effective method of controlling the chronic grinding.  

Along with damage to your teeth, the constant clenching and movement of bruxism can also cause damage to your jaw and surrounding muscles. Many patients suffering from chronic teeth grinding find themselves afflicted with tension headaches, migraines, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain.

Seek Teeth Grinding Treatment at Heringer Dentistry Today

Don’t ignore signs of chronic teeth grinding: seek treatment. At Heringer Dentistry, our attentive staff is ready to restore your teeth to good health and help you take steps to curb your teeth grinding habit. Contact our restorative dentistry office to schedule an appointment and learn more about your options today.