Heringer Dentistry

The Causes of Bad Breath and Your Treatments Options

Apr 8, 2015 @ 10:44 AM — by Dr. Everett Heringer
Tagged with: Bad Breath General Dentistry

The team here at Heringer Dentistry has helped countless patients in and around the Bismarck area smile with confidence and achieve great dental health. We are a comprehensive family dentistry practice specializing in total wellness, which means that we want to make sure your smile looks great and is as healthy as possible.

Minor dental problems may be an inconvenience or the sign of some more serious health problem. Such is the case with bad breath. Let's look at the common causes of bad breath and what we can do together to make your breath as fresh as possible.

The Most Common Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath is most commonly caused by the oral bacteria that naturally occurs in a patient's mouth. This bacteria is also responsible for tooth decay and gum disease. As you can imagine, tooth decay and gum disease can also lead to bad breath, particularly if it goes untreated.

Certain foods and beverages can also lead to major issues with bad breath. Some of the most common culprits when it comes to pungent breath include:

The use of tobacco products can also lead to dry mouth. Given the poor effects of cigars, cigarettes, and chewing tobacco on your general wellness, the bad breath is the least of your worries.

Finally, if you suffer from dry mouth, this can make a case of bad breath far worse.

Bad Breath and Medical Conditions

A number of health problems cause bad breath as a sign or symptom. This includes various systemic conditions that affect the sinuses, the throat, the lungs, and the digestive tract. Typically these kinds of health problems are associated with other symptoms, such as discomfort, indigestion, and so forth.

Treating Bad Breath Related to Dental Health Matters

When you have bad breath that is the result of a dental problem, there are plenty of professional treatment options out there for you. When oral bacteria, tooth decay, or gum disease results in serious bad breath, the use of antiseptic rinses tends to be an ideal treatment option. Restorative procedures will help treat the damage to your teeth and gum tissue.

If your bad breath is the result of chronic dry mouth, there are many artificial saliva products on the market to consider. These come in spray, lozenge, and gel form, typically.

Seek Medical Attention if Your Bad Breath Accompanies Other Side Effects

If you notice that your bad breath is accompanied by other kinds of body pains and serious issues that suggest a more serious health problem, be sure to meet with your general practitioner. Having serious health issues diagnosed and treated as soon as possible is always the best possible practice. Better safe than sorry.

Tips for Preventing and Hiding Bad Breath

As far as prevention of bad breath, the following tips are ideal to consider:

Schedule a Consultation at Heringer Dentistry

For more information about the causes of bad breath and how we can help you treat it and achieve excellent dental health, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. The team here at Heringer Dentistry looks forward to your visit and helping you feel great about your dental health and general wellness.