man with tooth pain and in need of a root canal

Root Canal

Tooth pain can be excruciating, leaving you unable to perform even the simplest daily activities. Our team in Bismarck, ND, offers state-of-the-art root canal treatments to quickly stop your pain and save teeth from potential extraction. Dr. Heringer uses advanced laser dentistry to give Mandan-area patients the most comfortable, effective root canal treatment possible.

Seek Care ASAP

It can be hard to tell if a seemingly mild dental issue needs attention. In fact, many "small" issues can indicate greater problems than a cavity or gum disease. If unaddressed, they can require root canal treatment. Instead of taking a wait and see approach, message us immediately or request a consultation. By acting fast, we may be able to save your tooth.

We Combine Expertise With Genuine Compassion

"Great service and people here with expert knowledge. I highly recommend Heringer if you want the absolute best care. Thanks Dr. Heringer, and Chantal!" Cody Griess

What Causes a Tooth Infection?

a man with an infected tooth

An infection can occur when dental decay, often caused by poor oral hygiene, goes undetected or untreated.

The bacteria within can cause cavities and spread deeper into your tooth, eventually infecting the soft pulp in the innermost layer. This area also contains blood vessels and your dental nerves, which extend down to the roots of your tooth.

Though it can all sound frightening, you can take charge of the situation — and find well-deserved relief. Visit our Bismarck team for prompt dental treatment.

Why Is Root Canal Treatment So Important? Don't Wait to Find out

If you are suffering from an infected tooth, it is vital to receive root canal treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may experience several negative effects.

Widespread Dental Infection

When left untreated, bacteria can spread to other teeth or your gums. It can cause an abscess or a serious, even life-threatening infection in your jawbone, making dentist or endodontist visits a necessity.

Tooth Damage

Patients who visit us promptly may only need a filling after their root canal therapy. If given time to worsen, a root canal infection can weaken the structure of your tooth, requiring a dental crown.

Tooth Loss

Our dentist's first priority is saving your tooth. If a root canal infection is left unchecked, though, the best option for your health may be removing the tooth instead.

Do you think you might need a root canal? The longer you wait, the likelier it is that you will need more expensive and involved treatment. Not to mention, your comfort is worth something too. Save yourself the stress and pain by contacting our Bismarck practice or by calling

(701) 255-4850

Every Little Detail Counts At Our Bismarck, ND, Practice


Dale Hoerauf

Bismarck, ND


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Every time I have a gone to the Herringer dentist office the staff has been professional and treated me with courtesy.

They are professional and good at what they do.

But it's more than just that they ask me what music I'd like to listen to while in the exam room. What flavors of polish that I would like. Those are all little items that make my appointment a good experience

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Erin Donelan

Bismarck, ND


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From the minute you walk in the door, you are made to feel welcome. Ashley always greets you as if she has been waiting for you to show up. Chantal is one of the sweetest people I have worked with, and Beckie makes my husband laugh. They are two of the best hygienists around. Lois is positive and informative, ready to answer questions. Savannah and Macy and Amber are dedicated to learning and make you feel like you are in good hands. Dr. Heringer is detail-oriented and a good listener. He works with you as a partner in your own care. I won't go anywhere else for dental care.

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Pioneering Advanced Laser Dentistry in the Bismarck, ND, Area

As the first dentist to practice advanced laser dentistry in Bismarck, Dr. Heringer has extensive experience using these state-of-the-art tools to perform root canals. Here are some of the reasons why laser dentistry can make your root canal more comfortable and effective:

Our Mandan-area practice utilizes the BIOLASE WaterLase® laser, a diode laser, and a Giromatic® handpiece, tools designed for the most delicate, intricate treatments that dentists and endodontists provide. Laser implements are incredibly accurate and more effective than traditional dental drills at clearing out all infected material from a tooth, significantly decreasing the risk of further infection.

Advanced Laser Dentistry

Low-Stress Experience

Many patients worry that a root canal will be painful and stressful, causing them to delay treatment or avoid it completely. With a numbing anesthetic and our gentle, precise laser technology, your root canal will be a virtually pain-free procedure. Our laser instruments are quiet and stable, eliminating the unpleasant noise and vibration commonly associated with root canals.

Quick Recovery

While the laser works to eliminate infected pulp, it simultaneously soothes the tooth and gums with cool streams of water and air, ensuring the area is well-hydrated and less prone to inflammation. Patients who receive a laser-assisted root canal can typically expect to be free of all discomfort in just a few days after treatment.

Laser Dentistry tool

See the Simplicity of Root Canal Treatment

Thorough, effective, and straightforward — root canal procedures are an excellent solution for complete infection removal. 
During a root canal, your dentist or endodontist will remove the diseased pulp from your tooth, sanitize and seal the area with an inert substance, and place a custom dental crown to protect the tooth and restore normal function.

What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure?

Most people are familiar with the term "root canal," but not everyone understands how this dental procedure actually works. Learn what our Bismarck, ND, patients can expect during their root canal procedure:
Choosing a root canal can prevent further infection and abscesses, and often save your tooth from extraction. 
Choosing a root canal can prevent further infection and abscesses, and often save your tooth from extraction. 


Our dentist will first determine whether a root canal is the right treatment for you with X-rays and an exam. These X-rays can reveal the inside of your tooth for a more accurate view of your case. If you need a molar root canal, Dr. Heringer will refer you to a trusted local endodontist.

Anesthetic and Sedation

We prioritize patient comfort during every root canal treatment. Our team will carefully numb the treatment area with a local anesthetic. If you are feeling especially anxious about your root canal, we can offer sedation to ensure you feel at ease while in our care.

Accessing the Pulp

A small opening will be created in the crown of your tooth to provide access to the pulp — a typical step for dentists and endodontists alike.

Removing the Infection

Dr. Heringer will work through this opening to thoroughly remove the infected nerves, blood vessels, and pulp from the inner chamber of the tooth.

Cleaning and Filling

Once the infected material has been removed, our dentist will sterilize the chamber and seal it with gutta percha, a natural, rubber-like material that serves as the industry-standard choice for root canal treatments.

Protecting the Tooth

​In many cases, we can place a permanent crown right after a root canal. If your restoration requires extra time to create, we can provide a temporary crown to protect your tooth. Sometimes, we may place a temporary filling. This temporary filling will later be replaced by a permanent restoration.

Recovery & Healing

The healing period after a root canal is generally mild. Any discomfort can likely be treated with over-the-counter medication. After just a few days, you should be able to eat, drink, and speak with full freedom and comfort. 

What Do Dental Crowns Look Like? View Dr. Heringer's Results

Our Bismarck patients sometimes worry that their teeth will never look the same after a root canal. We're happy to show you that even when you have substantial needs, crowns can look natural and beautiful.
Dr. Heringer's patient before dental crowns
Before Dental Crowns
Dr. Heringer's patient after dental crowns
After Dental Crowns

Bismarck, ND, Patients Know That They Can Rely on Us

"I've been going here for over 10 years. The staff and Dr. Heringer are very knowledgeable and always do a fantastic job." Joe F.

Is Root Canal Therapy Eligible for Insurance?

Yes, it is. A root canal, filling, and necessary dental crown will likely be partially covered by your provider. After all, both are crucial for your oral health and function.

Our Mandan-area team currently accepts insurance from Blue Cross Blue Shield. We also accept cash and credit cards, as well as convenient and secure online payments via our portal. If you need a little extra help with the costs, you can pay over time with financing from CareCredit® or GreenSky®.

Dr. Everett E. Heringer

Everett E. Heringer, DDS

Dr. Heringer is dedicated to dental excellence and is a member of several prestigious organizations, including:

  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • World Clinical Laser Institute
  • North Dakota Dental Association
  • SPEAR Dental Education
  • SPEAR Study Club Leader

To schedule your consultation, contact us online or call us at (701) 255-4850.

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"The staff was amazing and made me feel at complete ease... I truly cannot say enough about how wonderful my experience was… I highly highly recommend Dr. Heringer. I will never see another dentist again, they are stuck with me!"

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